This little boy is Calvin.  There’s a story behind his name:  you see, Calvin has a sister named Grace and she’s irresistible.  So we name this kitten Calvin as in John Calvin.

In case your not up on your 16th century Calvinism then you probably didn’t grow up the Christian Reformed Church and attend Christian school your whole life.  So Irresistible Grace is the fourth element of TULIP which sums up Calvinism.

T- total depravity

U- unconditional election 

L- limited atonement

I- irresistible grace 

P- perseverance of the saints

So along with a lot of cuteness, you also got a refresher course in the finer points of Calvinism.  And… Calvin was born into a CRC household!  So how cool is that?

So on the topic of church, I’m hearing from the Arlene/Eleanor grapevine that the Broekhuizens really miss Calvin and that didn’t make it any easier taking him home.  The Broekhuizens seemed genuinely bummed out!  But I can assure them, Calvin has a wonderful life full of life enhancing activities, love, and value.  You can’t believe what a cutie he is.  He loves to snuggle and purr and his sister is his BFF.  And they can come over anytime to visit.  You won’t believe how much Calvin has grown.  He gets a special diet of kitten formula three times a day and has access to dry kitten kibble anytime he wants.  He also got a new kitten checkup at the vet the very next day.  And after being passed around by several vet. techs. who just had to hold him and tell him what a cutie he is.  (There’s just something about holding a new kitten, isn’t there?), the doctor gave him a clean bill of health and a couple vaccines.  He’s going to be neutering by the end of the year and be an indoor cat only!